
While we're having fun with AI,something more serious is happening than we think.
Artists' works are indiscriminately referenced in AI learning, andno proper compensation is provided for this.

The creative realm is increasingly being invaded by big AI. Creation isn't just about money. We create becausewe feel happy in the process of discovering, feeling, and capturing new things.

However, if our creative areas are violatedwithout compensation, our creative opportunities will gradually decrease, which will be a major obstacle not only to the development of AI but also to cultural development.

There is a risk that human culture will forever be stuck in AI that has learned the legacy and not be able to move forward, repeating itself.We must work together to protect data sovereignty over AI.


This is not just a service.This is a movement,and the first suggestion of that movement. Through 'Melting Pot AI', artists will own the best and most updatable AI according to their contributions. Here in our community, we will discuss legislation for AI sovereignty around the world.We must join forces.This might be your last chance.

From now on, all activities of ‘Melting Pot AI’ will be made public. We aim to develop a new form of AI based on transparency. Based on publicly available information, compensation between artists (data providers and learning contributors), the AI platform, and network will be determined at a reasonable level. This process takes place through the community, through which we will protect our sovereignty inthe most democratic way.


‘Melting Pot AI’ is an artist AIthat artists around the world are developing together. Thanks to the excellent artworks provided by the artists, this AI will grow into an even better photographer. This AI can quickly and easily generate high-quality artworks for people who need artworks but have difficulty finding suitable ones.

In conclusion, all artists around the world will work together to develop the best AI. This allows us to own a stake in AI and create a more mature AI while protecting our sovereignty over our creations. This means not just technological progress but the development of a creative community. Through these movements,we can create a future where AI and humans coexist.

If you love creative practice and artists and want to preserve humanity's creative heritage, here are three more things you can do to help.
This is not just a request.This is an earnest appeal for all of us.