
Discuss, vote, and decide on global AI copyright law and Melting Pot AI and art.

Bohyun Hwang



Melting Pot AI starts with grassroots activity

Greetings, everyone participating in this movement.
I'm Bohyun, a photographer and a crew member of Melting Pot.
I'm very excited to open up a conversation in this community.
I am contacting organizations via email at this moment.
While I was writing down to explain what Melting Pot AI is and convince them to join Melting Pot AI, suddenly I felt that I was not promoting the service but more like convincing them to join grassroots activism, just like the very early stage of feminism or a pro-democracy movement against the dictatorship.
If there is anyone reading this post, please spread the word that there's an AI just for people like you.
For now, this community seems very small but I am very certain that it will grow more, and be a decent forum for activists and artists.

I am doing this project to prevent the situation that I have to hand over all my work to AI for free forever.
Karla Ortiz inspired us very much. Melting Pot AI is built to meet the condition she states all the time, called 3C's and 1T,
"Credit, Consent, Compensation, and Transparency".
Help us to complete this mission.
